# Deployment

If you have followed the infrastructure configuration steps, the the system is configured to automatically deploy using Codeship to AWS Cloudfront!

TL/DR of below - just merge to master or develop and its automatic.

## Details

For a bit more detail - in order to trigger a deployment, the process is as follows:

  1. Open a Pull Request on Github from your feature branch.
  2. The system will either be in the process of testing, or have completed testing your feature branch - wait for it to complete.
  3. If Codeship testing passes, a Codecov.io report should appear informing you of coverage changes.
  4. If all the above is fine, and you’re happy with the state of the merge, hit the Merge button.
  5. Don’t forget to delete your source branch.
  6. If your PR was targetted to a branch that will trigger a deployment (master and develop on our current configuration) then CodeShip will rerun the build post integration and trigger a deploy. Once the deploy to S3 is complete, it will then invalidate the cache on CloudFront.
  7. Give it a minute or two (depending on how long it takes to build and test the project) and force refresh your browser on the site - your updates should be visible!